Clowning Around

Beware the bikini-clad clown. For she doesn’t smile to attract a mate or to flirt, but rather to find the next punchline to her gravest joke.

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Cramped Manger

How many babes lie here never to feel a mother’s warmth? Left here by those they should trust the most, a baby’s bed becomes a tomb and the little ones are forgotten by all except to whom they are sacrificed.

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Graveyard Guardian

The duty of guarding the graveyard falls to the last one buried. But, so that no human soul is denied their final rest, they sacrificed a dog by burying it alive. But now that tortured creature haunts the grounds so terribly that no one can be buried there anymore.

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Lord of the Cosmos

No one knows where “he” came from. With an unusually tall form and intimidating presence, it seems as if the very laws of physics bend to his will. All we know is that he is dark, dangerous, and mysterious, almost like the cosmos themselves.

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Lord of the Cosmos Unbidden

This creature was not among man, nor could he ever be. Far older than most planets, he must’ve seen the universe born. His mind invaded ours with a will so beyond any of us that it reshaped us and our world.

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Lost in the Woods

It’s a dangerous business, exploring the woods. You never know what you’ll find in the shadow of the wood… Or what will find you.

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Nameless Horror of the Dark

Deep within the earth, there are things that no living creature has ever seen. Things older than history with no name to describe them. Horrors born of a world so dark that they existed before the light of the sun.

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Not Even Death

In a gush of gore, they successfully separated her head from her body, and threw their voices up in a cheer. But when she continued to scream and gnash her teeth, their relief became despair.

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Spirit Well

Within his library–his catalogue of the arcane–he had constructed a “space” that attracts the spiritual. Its existence violates the laws of physics and offends the Divine for it ensnares the spectral within the confines of his archive.

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Spook Jar

Another device of his own invention, designed to hold the spectres of yesteryear so he may study them, transport them, and experiment on them. Is it any wonder he was excommunicated and labeled a necromancer?

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The Ascendant Path

There are some who believe it the path to ascendancy, where we shed our mortal coil and become pure spirit, shrouded only because our splendor cannot be witnessed by the earthly eye. But if that is to be believed, then why does the pallor of death haunt the faces of those who walk the path and seem panicked before the “ascension” takes hold?

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The Reaper

Often mistaken for the Angel of Death, this entity seeks to reap what it has not sown, what it has no right to. No one knows why it collects souls, but their screams can be heard from the lamp it carries.

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Wrong Door

Sally walked through the door and found a demon facing her. It screamed at her, and as the little girl froze, she remembered which door led to bed and which one didn’t.

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The Unknown

For what sort of creature was it? Its eyes were insectoid, its head draconic, but mesopelagic; it seemed ancient, but also advanced, and while humanoid, it was still alien. Ultimately, it didn’t matter what it was for despite its cold exterior, it radiated a burning malice.

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