What Trait Do INTJs Value Most in Their Relationships?

Good news, everyone! So, I’ve written a few blogs now regarding INTJs and love, including how to get a date with an INTJ, how to love your INTJ and how they love you back, and what they look for in a partner. Now, I almost started writing that last one all over again as I…

How to Love Your INTJ and How They Love Back

Good news, everyone! So, last week I covered why INTJs are loners. This week I’m flipping the script, and since Valentine’s Day is this weekend, I’ll be talking about how to love your INTJ and how they love back. Originally, the plan was to only talk about how to love your INTJ, using the type’s…

How to Get a Date with an INTJ

Good news, everyone! How to Get a Date with an INTJ So, you want to date an INTJ? Do you have a death wish? Nah, I’m just kidding. For the right person, we are the only person, and you’ll wonder how you ever got on without us. (The answer is probably “not very well”.) But, anyway,…