Why INTJs Don’t Respond Well to Teasing

Good news, everyone! So, originally, this blog was about why INTJs don’t get jokes, which I’m sure raises a few eyebrows amongst you. Now, true, there are times when INTJs miss a joke, but most people who know them would say that they can be an entertaining sort. (Their sarcasm is unparalleled.) But, since I…

Why Do INTJs Always Look Tired?

Good news, everyone! If you’re familiar with the world of MBTI and you’ve been around people whose personalities you know, you’ll soon learn that certain behaviors are common to each type. ENTPs, for instance, are chaos incarnate and must be stopped; INFPs are warm and genuine, but don’t text back; ESTJs can pass for normal,…

How to Get a Date with an INTJ

Good news, everyone! How to Get a Date with an INTJ So, you want to date an INTJ? Do you have a death wish? Nah, I’m just kidding. For the right person, we are the only person, and you’ll wonder how you ever got on without us. (The answer is probably “not very well”.) But, anyway,…