Why INTJs Don’t Respond Well to Teasing

Good news, everyone! So, originally, this blog was about why INTJs don’t get jokes, which I’m sure raises a few eyebrows amongst you. Now, true, there are times when INTJs miss a joke, but most people who know them would say that they can be an entertaining sort. (Their sarcasm is unparalleled.) But, since I…

Why Do INTJs Always Look Tired?

Good news, everyone! If you’re familiar with the world of MBTI and you’ve been around people whose personalities you know, you’ll soon learn that certain behaviors are common to each type. ENTPs, for instance, are chaos incarnate and must be stopped; INFPs are warm and genuine, but don’t text back; ESTJs can pass for normal,…

Eleven Paradoxes of INTJs that Aren’t Really Paradoxes

Good news, everyone! So, if you’ve been with me since the beginning, you’ll know I got my start making reaction blogs to articles about INTJs. These articles were things like “50 Struggles of Introverts”, “8 Gift Ideas for INTJs”, and the like. I stopped doing those because I covered the most interesting ones and because…

Why Do INTJs Love the Rain?

Good news, everyone! No one would mistake an INTJ for a normal person. There’s nothing normal about them. From the way they look to the way they carry themselves, from the way they speak to their interests—they are clearly very different from others. This extends too to the sort of weather they prefer. While most…

The Struggles of the Christian INTJ

Good news, everyone! So, Easter just passed and last week, I wrote a minor blog detailing what Easter means to different INTJs. While I was writing that one, I had the thought for this one. Originally, I was going to keep this down to one struggle, but after posting the intro paragraph to social media,…

What Do INTJs Think of Easter?

Good news, everyone! So, I’ve written blogs regarding INTJs and Christmas and INTJs and their birthdays, and, well, we have another major holiday coming up: Easter. So, why not try to answer the question what do INTJs think of Easter? As with any major holiday, there are a number of viewpoints to consider—I found three.…

What Trait Do INTJs Value Most in Their Relationships?

Good news, everyone! So, I’ve written a few blogs now regarding INTJs and love, including how to get a date with an INTJ, how to love your INTJ and how they love you back, and what they look for in a partner. Now, I almost started writing that last one all over again as I…

What Does an INTJ Want for His Birthday?

Good news, everyone! So, this past Monday was my birthday. I turned 32. And because using real life as inspiration for my blogs is easier than trying to come up with original material, I decided to answer the question what does an INTJ want for his birthday. This one is going to be a little…